Ways to Donate
At The Bond Between, donations are essential to our continued ability to save more dogs and cats as well as take on cases that others cannot afford such as extensive surgery, hospice care, and respite foster care.
Please consider making a tax-deductible donation towards our animal rescue. The easiest way to donate is to fill out the form below!

11 Ways to Donate To The Bond Between

through our site, PayPal, Venmo or GiveMN!
Donate Money
Any amount is appreciated and your donation is 100% tax deductible! Many companies will match their employees’ donation – ask your employer if they can double your impact with a donation match!
Here's How Your Donation Can Help:
$20 - Offsets a vaccination or microchipping expense.
$50 - Helps 10 dogs and cats receive their monthly preventatives.
$100 - Subsidizes the cost of a spay or neuter surgery and aftercare.
$250 - Pays for dental work on dogs and cats who have painful, infected mouths.
$500 - Allows travel to states with major overpopulation problems and saves around 40 lives
For donations under $250, the IRS does not require donors to obtain a written acknowledgment from a charity before you claim a charitable contribution on your federal income tax return. For check and cash donations made to The Bond Between, there may be a 2-3 week delay in receiving an acknowledgment/receipt. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. If you have an urgent need, please email communications@thebondbetween.org.
We're always in need of crates, canned and dry food, cat litter potty pads, and more. We are now able to accept donated medications.
View our wish list for items we're most in need of right now! Donations can be dropped off during office hours or mailed to our office at:
5959 Baker Road, Suite 390, Minnetonka, MN 55345.
If you need us to coordinate a volunteer to pick up a donation at your house, or are in need of a tax receipt, please email our office managers. You can view our 501(c)(3) certificate here.
we can always use supply donations!
Purchase Supplies
not in the position to foster? sponsoring is a great way to help.
Sponsor a Rescue Animal
At The Bond Between, our animal sponsors allow us to keep saying YES to lives in need! Not everyone is aware of the expenses that go into rescuing an animal. The Bond Between provides all medical care for the animals in our rescue, as well as food, crates, toys, bowls, treats, collars and leashes. The price tag to care for an animal in our program can add up quickly. If you would like to sponsor an animal, we will email you a Certificate of Sponsorship with their name and photo on it. If your donation exceeds the amount necessary for the care of that animal, your donation will be used toward a similar furry friend!
Unfortunately, we do not have the bandwidth to provide updates for sponsored animals and sponsoring an animal does not give you first priority to adopt that animal.
We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit and all donations are tax-deductible. Sponsoring a dog or cat is a great way to get involved if you are unable to foster. For other ways to help, please check out the other fun activities that benefit our rescue!
If you would like to donate in honor of or in memory of someone (a human or an animal), your donation will assist us in continuing our mission. A handwritten card recognizing your donation will be sent to the person/honoree from us on your behalf, and you will receive a separate acknowledgment of your gift via email or letter. To make an in-honor/in-memory donation through our site, scroll to the top of this page to our donation form, select the fund you want to donate to, and check the "in honor/in memory box" to fill out the proper information. Tribute notifications take about two weeks to process. The notification recipient will get a card or an email message sent to the address/email provided.
make a donation in honor or memory of someone special
Donations in Honor/Memory of
We have dedicated programs for animals with special needs. These programs are 100% donation-funded and need your support so we can continue to work with special case animals. Check out our fighter fund, neonatal, and hospice pages to learn more about these programs, and consider donating!
supporting animals with special needs
Specialty Rescue Programs
Become a Sustaining Member
a recurring monthly gift means so much
The BB Sustaining Member program is one of the best ways to show your ongoing support of The Bond Between. Gift options start at $5 per month. We want to make sure that everyone - no matter their income or age - can help make a difference.
Become a Bond Between Sustaining Member.
Supporting Companies
your employer may match your support
Did you know that many companies offer the option to have your donated money or volunteer hours matched? This means you can double your impact! Check with your employer to see if there is an existing program available to you.
Some of our supporting companies include: Best Buy, Thrivent Financial, Thomson Reuters, United Way, and Wells Fargo.
Donate a Vehicle
in partnership with Animal Car Donation!
Animal Car Donation is a non-profit vehicle donation program that takes cars, trucks, SUVs, RVs, motorcycles, boats, and more! You receive 100% free towing, a great tax deduction, and your paperwork is handled through the program!
Here's how it works:
1) You visit the donation form page or call 1-888-480-0929
2) Animal Car Donation representatives will reach out to you to arrange your fast free
tow within 24 hours of the next business day
3) When your car donation is processed, you'll receive a tax-deductible receipt in the mail
The proceeds of your car donation help benefit our animals! You can even donate a
vehicle that doesn't run!
Online Fundraising Tools
share your love of The Bond Between while raising money!
Did you know that you can raise money for us through online tools? Here are a few easy ways to share your love of The Bond Between while raising money!
Facebook Fundraisers - create a fundraiser on Facebook for your connections to donate to a cause you care about.
Instagram Donations - add a donation button to your Instagram Story to raise money
Walk for a Dog from Wooftrax - walk your dog and donate to The Bond Between at the same time!
Gifting Stocks
we've partnered with charles schwab!
In most cases, current tax law allows donors to claim the full market value of appreciated assets, such as stock or other securities, as a tax deduction in the year of the gift – effectively avoiding capital gains taxes on long-term holdings.
The Bond Between has partnered with Charles Schwab and is equipped to accept donations of stock and other marketable securities!
What You Need from Us:
Custodian: Charles Schwab
Account Name: The Bond Between, PC
Federal ID: 27-1296550
Account #: 6999-2094
DTC#: 0164
Financial Advisor: Guardian Wealth Strategies, Ben Olson, 952-746-1743
What We Need from You:
Donor Information: Transfers of securities are made without donor names attached. To ensure a timely and accurate acknowledgement of your generous gift, please provide your information to Katie Hedin: 952-322-7643 or katie.hedin@thebondbetween.org.
Support By Shopping
you can shop and support us all at once, with no additional cost to you!
For every customer purchase made through Chewy. Chewy will donate $20 to The Bond Between. This is such an easy way to benefit The Bond Between through purchases you’re already making for your furry family members!
Give with Bing
While surfing the web or frequently checking our website for adorable adoptable animals, help support The Bond Between every time you search by using Give with Bing! Each search will earn you points that are automatically donated to a nonprofit of your choice. You can learn more here!
For every purchase made through Infinite Wags. InfiniteWags will donate $5 to The Bond Between. This is another easy way to benefit The Bond Between through purchases for your furry family members!